7 Last Words

7 Last Words

“For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18)

Since I was in the Philippines, I wasn’t able to have a reflection on a YCOM Pacific video that I took part into making with the rest of the YCOM crew. So above is the link, give it a watch before reading the rest of this!

First off, Praise God.

The talents, treasures, and amount of prayer that went into this video is really uplifting. It literally took months to just come up with its concept, and have what seemed like endless nights that went to recording the poets, to traveling across the Pacific region to all its various parishes.

With that said, I think the anchor verse used for this video says it all.

We were all definitely tested. Whether it was how were we gonna get to the places we needed to go, waiting on certain things to happen so we can even begin, to even the small things as to just having to spend countless days straight of standing to film and just be around the same people all the time.

But as it says in Romans, our sufferings were definitely not worth comparing to the glory that would come. It really didn’t matter how many views we could generate with this video..because if at least one person could see the works of Christ in us, then that alone would be enough. That we as servants in YCOM, are continuing to inspire through the inspiration of Christ and His Holy family that they give to us. Anything more, are just a part of His infinite blessings.

Thank you to the dancers and poets that committed there time and energy into fulfilling what God has had planned for the YCOM program.

Thank you to the YCOM servants that committed time, energy, talents, to take on such a heavy project. It was quite the journey, but we got it done.

and Thank You. Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, for forever giving us the blessings of each other and the blessings to live this life to the fullest with our faith forward.

O Lord, you have given me endless opporunities to find out more about You, through the people you let me cross paths with. Allow me to listen. Listen to whatever it is you want me to proclaim. Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.

“..And how can they hear, if the Message is not proclaimed?” (Romans 10:14)

Christi Crux Est Mea Lux

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