
Adoration is a challenge to unite both our eyes and our hearts to be fixed on Jesus.

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we have seen His glory: the glory of an only son coming from the father filled with enduring love.” (John 1:14)

Even when in a hurry, going to Adoration for me always requires a little bit of what some may label as seemingly useless prep time. Before heading out this afternoon to the Chapel, I managed to find my favourite cardigan (it’s mustard yellow), fix up my hair (I exaggerated my hair flip a little bit more) and swap my wooden rosary bracelet for a pearl one in a matter of seconds. It’s go time. I have a date with Jesus.

But even after we’ve bowed, knelt and are poised at our pew, sometimes we are still in need of preparation. We see Him there at the altar, but we are not really present. It may be because our bodies are physically tired after a very long work day. We find ourselves sleepy and spend the hour with our head bobbing up and down instead of praying or adoring. Yes, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). Or perhaps, our hearts may not really firmly believe what the eyes are seeing: Is that piece of bread in that big Shiny Golden Thing (the “monstrance”) really Jesus? Oh Lord, please, increase my faith… “I do believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) Lastly, our minds may be filled with thoughts and we’re having a hard time focusing. In these moments, I turn to Mother Mary who immediately directs me to her Son through the Rosary.

Adoration for me is my one hour + “Heart training” which conditions me to love with endurance beyond the confines of the Chapel, with the entirety of my body, heart, mind and life. This week, I’ve had so many things on my mind that I’ve lost sight of opportunities to simply love. However, Jesus gently tells me in my hour with Him today that He is the only One who can love me perfectly… And through Him, as good friend Saint Rita also echoes back to me, nothing is Impossible: though it will take my life, I can learn how to Love perfectly too.

May is the Month of Mary. Let us always turn to her, the Perfect Adorer: Mother Mary, Queen of the Home and Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, help us direct our hearts to seek and remain in the Presence of your son, Jesus.

Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at

3 thoughts on “Adoration”

  1. Praise God! Btw, I love all these hyperlinks to everywhere. So awesome! 🙂

    1. Thanks Kris! Thanks for taking the time to comment, and also generally for being a consistent commentator for others as well. Like with hyperlinks, it’s a little way of affirming others 🙂 Praise God!

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