Life in the Spirit

 Abandoning it all for the sake of His Call (whatever it may be for you).

To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. – Romans 8:6

To anyone who actually follows me on True North Missionaries (like my dear friend) will notice that I’ve been on some sort of hiatus. The last post that was publicized was on August 17th and it was about cross-carrying… A post that marked the beginning of a 6 week silence. The silence was semi-intentional… I generally tend to over-think my posts. But in this month, the Lord assured me that it was okay, and alleviated me of my pressure of having to post. Instead, In exchange, He asked me to surrender my mind and asked me to “go out”. A challenge to live out the call to love others not in words but in deed. (John 3:18). And so, I am here looking back, typing this a week and bit after being away from home (yet again), after being in Ottawa for the HOLD Conference and on Mission in Nova Scotia and PEI.

When I entered the Mission Volunteer Program 6 months ago, I knew without a doubt that the Lord would speak deliberately and clearly to me. And within those 6 months, the Lord, in the most Father-like way, really did ask me to surrender everything. I merely responded with child-like obedience. I made the decision to leave my work back in March to go to ILC. I also didn’t say no to going on Mission for Akwesasne, the Maritimes or serving at ETNC despite seemingly imperfect timing. And I’ll admit to have had emo days, worrying about finances and wondering how the Lord would be taking care of my family. But all in all, despite all of the Evil One’s attempts to sway me to think otherwise (and trust me, he has made my mind a prison at times), I look back at those decisions as the best ones I have ever made. Because I know with unshakeable certainty that He has been with me, my family this whole time … And will always be faithful to His promise of always being there.

The world tells me it’s unusual or a product of “brainwash” (actual words used) to abandon 6 months of my life to fully discern Missionary life. That’s crazy talk. On the Memorial of Saint Therese of Lisieux, I was truly affirmed of that fact at Mass. Unexpectedly, Father decided to change the First Reading to a reading in Romans (Life in the Spirit). What hit me was his homily, in which he spoke about of the “spirituality of abandonment”. It calls us to an every day posture to put to death “our flesh” (yes, death) in order to be a become a true place for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Not once in a lifetime, but every day, we are to abandon everything for pursuit of God’s will. Is it impossible to strongly say that I can give up my life for God? Not at all. My life, despite what makes sense to this world or what I personally feel in a given moment, I just know is meant for the Greater Glory of God and nothing else.

So Surprise! It wasn’t a completely silent month. Here are some of the posts on my personal blog: Lone Wolf: (Old Post) Pre-MV story, Trust, Healing|Books: Intimacy with, Lectio Divina, The Word  | On Endurance : (Hold Conference Reflection), Loneliness, Perseverance|Contemplating Beauty: (Maritimes Mission), Contemplation| Humility : (Maritimes Mission), Humilty

Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at