Humble Example

This week I was just reflecting on life and where I want to be and how I want to be. I couldn’t help myself reflecting on the life of my grandfather, but in my family we call him “Tatay”.

He was probably one of the biggest influences in my life, and a huge part of who I am today. He was definitely a man of God, a strong Catholic man who would always be up at 4am down on his knees (even at his old age) praying until 7am. He would then go downstairs and you think that would be a lot of praying in itself… He then would prepare his food and pray some more before eating. Praise God for having such an influence in my life. Though it was not just that.

Let me tell you, this man had an endless amount of money. Every year, he would give $100CAD to each grandchildren for their birthday and there is 19 of us. The thing was, though he was loaded with money, it was never for him. He would send people to school back in the Philippines, there was more than enough money to build a new house in the Philippines, but he never did, instead it was an old house, with the most amount of creaks and cracks, probably the nastiest washroom I have ever used (lol). Nonetheless, how humble my Tatay was, how selfless, caring and most especially loving man of God, is who I asspire to be.

So I pray today, Lord, grant me a humble heart that I am able to give my all for you and for those I encounter in this journey of life. Lead me to be more like You but also follow in the example of my Tatay. Lord, grant eternal rest upon Earl Abaljon Sr., O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace, amen. May all the souls of the faithfully departed and the souls in purgatory, rest in peace.


Christian Medeiros