Music To My Ears

“Music is the exaltation of the mind derived from things eternal, bursting forth in sound.”

This quote by St. Thomas Aquinas really sums up why music can be so profound, and really why it resonates with me. It’s truly amazing how music, from even generations ago can carry the same emotion, the same meaning that it had when it was created. Recently I was at mass, and during the singing of the hymns I began to cry. These weren’t tears of sadness however, it was just so moving to sing the words of the hymn, and to really understand what these words meant. If you take the time, to listen, really listen to the words that are sung, you realize these are prayers, and praises to our God. They are written by people just like you or me, with the same worries doubts or fears. They may have lived in a different time, or era, but they faced similar struggles, and through it all they with trust in the Lord they offered it up in prayer, in song.

Even within our own community, our worship songs go beyond just words. They are bold proclamations of the glory of God, they are the prayers of thanksgiving, or yearnings for God’s mercy. They have also come from people, who understand what it means to journey with the Lord, and in praying the songs we sing, we are are made to realize we that we are not alone. In singing these prayers with our brothers and sisters we are given a glimpse of the joy that awaits us in heaven. It’s simply beautiful. With Liveloud arriving around the corner, I grow more excited to be able to come together and praise our God once again. “Singing belongs to one who loves.” said St. Augustine of Hippo, and we are made to love. I pray that through my prayers, not just the spoken but also the sung, I may continue to grow deeper with the Lord. I pray that through sharing in the songs, of people come before me, I may also never forget that I am not alone on this journey to heaven.
